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Meet the incredible artists from FairPlay's Holiday Card Fundraisers!
FairPlay artists are our youngest volunteers, helping raise important funds and creating awareness for accessible play programs. We are inspired by their and their family's creativity and drive to make a difference in their communities. Learn more about FairPlay's artists through their biographies below, written by their families. We always welcome new artists to join the team!

"Aries Reign Williams is an eight-time brain surgery survivor and NICU alumnus. Beloved by everyone he meets, he inspires those around him with his signature resilience and “million dollar smile” as he continues to thrive through his diagnoses of hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, and autism spectrum disorder. Recognized in the medical world as a pioneer for his participation in the clinical trial of the revolutionary CTOT device, Aries has been featured in several news media outlets including ABC’s Localish and The Houston Chronicle. In his spare time, Aries loves singing, making music on his keyboard, and playing with his friends."
-Aries’ Family
-Aries’ Family

"Bradley loves his family and friends, and loves being a part of Project Fire Buddies and At the Lake Event for adaptive water-skiing. We look forward to the Fair Play Holiday Card project every year. Happy Holidays!"
- Bradley’s Family
- Bradley’s Family

"Briella is 5 years old with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy. But that does not define her or stop her from doing amazing things!! Briella loves to go to school, play with her puppy, swim and read books. Briella loves painting and making crafts! She is one happy, smiley, and determined little girl." - Briella's Family

"Caroline is a 2-year-old little girl who lives with cerebral palsy. While she faces many obstacles in her daily life, she continues to persevere and finds her own way to do things!" - Caroline's Family

"Hi! I'm Conner. I was born at 24 weeks weighing 1lb 6oz. I've been beating the odds ever since. I love music - especially the guitar and piano. My favorite thing about Christmas is seeing Christmas trees everywhere!" - Conner's Family

"Eli is 6 years old and during his first year of life he had several surgeries including open heart. He also has a magical extra 21st chromosome - Down syndrome. His favorite things are French fries and dinosaurs. He is in first grade and fully included at his amazing school! His mom wrote a book all about him being included in school called "Eli, Included." Eli has three older sisters who are fierce advocates for him. Eli is funny, loving and so sweet."
- Eli's Family
- Eli's Family

"Exton is just like any other toddler, wild and super mischievous, but in a lot of ways he has an old soul. He has a calmness to him that makes him seem like he is years older than he should be! We constantly call him Extra Exton. He's got it all - the extra chromosome, the extra equipment, and the extra sass! He is our light!" - Exton's Family

“Grace, 4 years old, loved to make art with her friends at school, getting a smooch from her dog, Bella, and holding hands with her little brother Leo. Grace passed away earlier this year; her light shines on through the love she shared with so many, including each of you during the holiday season.” - Grace’s Family

"Hannah is a fun-loving child who absolutely loves to get messy and create! Hannah has significant hypotonia from a unique genetic code that makes it hard for her brain to communicate with her muscles. She is the happiest kiddo who loves music, dance class, and being with her friends. Hannah’s family is so proud of all of her hard work!"
-Hannah's Family
-Hannah's Family

"Harris Doctor is a 5 year old that entered the world, prematurely, just two days before Christmas. The best Christmas gift was being discharged from the NICU on Christmas Day. Harris loves listening to music, singing, swinging his beads, and looking at books. He has Down Syndrome and is a CHD heart warrior. Even open heart surgery couldn't keep that infectious smile off of his face!"
-Harris's Family
-Harris's Family

"Malachi approaches his art as he does life: with natural ease, sparkling eyes and an effortless laugh. His playful charm and daring charisma bring a smile to the face of everyone he meets. Born with Spina Bifida and congenital heart defects, Malachi lives with his parents and fur-siblings in the Seattle area." - Malachi's Family

"Malakai is a happy young boy who lives with cerebral palsy. His favourite things are wrestling, video games, playing with his two sisters and the colour green. He has the most infectious smile and belly laughs."
-Malakai’s Family
-Malakai’s Family

"This is the artist Mighty Mateo. He is 4 years old add loves books, music, dancing, climbing, and anything with wheels. Mateo also loves to make art. Mateo was born 2 months early weighing only 1 lb 2 oz. "Chiquito pero picosso"...tiny but strong is the best way to describe Mighty Mateo." - Mateo's Family

"My name is Maxwell, but my friends call me Max. I am a triplet with Maggie and Miller and we were born at 24 weeks. I have Cerebral Palsy and it affects how my brain communicates to my muscles. I might have a disability that makes it harder for me to get around, but it doesn't stop me from having fun! What I want people to know is that my disability doesn't define me! I'm doing the same things as you, just taking a different path to get there." - Max & Max's Family

Nettie & Lottie
"Lottie is a true artist; she is always taking time to truly see the people and beauty around her. Nettie is a lot like her artwork: bold." -Nettie & Lottie's Family

The FairPlay team is grateful for Ozzie's participation in FairPlay's projects over the years.

Hi, I’m Penelope! I was born prematurely at 26 weeks and later was diagnosed with an ultra-rare genetic condition ALG1-CDG that causes a lot of medical complexities. I don’t let that define me though- I enjoy swimming, art, making friends, music and rollercoasters! I may have a lot of bags to pack, but I love traveling and going on new adventures! Hope you have a happy holiday!
Love, Penelope
Love, Penelope

"Peter lives in Central Mississippi with his family and dogs. Peter enjoys attending public school with his friends, Miracle League baseball, running in races with Ainsley’s Angels, music, books, social conversation, dancing, occasional chaos/mischief, and “offroading” in his wheelchair."
- Peter’s Family
- Peter’s Family

Riley is 3 years old and was diagnosed with Spina Bifida, Myelomeningocele, Hydrocephauls, and Chiarimalformation II, but she doesn't let her diagnosis define her. Riley is full of life, love, and happiness. She loves to make those around her smile & laugh. Riley enjoys dancing, singing, and playing outdoors. This princess doesn't let anything stop her!" - Riley's Family

"Ryken is a 3 year old boy, born at 24 weeks gestation, weighing 1lb 9oz. He has a lengthy list of complex medical diagnoses, none of which define him! He loves to be outside in his swing, look at lights, float in the pool, snuggle, and have people chat with him. Ryken is a warrior boy who brings his family an indescribable amount of joy!" -Ryken's Family

"Savannah is a sweet girl who lives in Salem, Massachusetts. She is beautiful and uniqe in every way. She loves music and adaptive sports. She has a rare genetic mutation known as NAA10. In addition, she has a vision impairment known as cortical/cerebral visual impairment, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, and an esophagus disease. Despite all her challenges, she is so happy, funny, and so loved." - Savannah's Family

"Sebastian is a young boy with a rare condition called Pontocerebellar hypoplasia. He likes to be outside and explore as much as he can, with a particular fascination for trees and leaves. When he’s not exploring he will always join you for some music or a craft. His favourite art to do is painting or anything with bright colours!"
-Sebastian’s Family
-Sebastian’s Family

Hi, I’m Silas! I live in New Hampshire. I just got my brand new AAC device so this year I made my card art with my mom and dad using my Tobii Eye Gaze to communicate how I wanted everything glued on and which colors to use, and switch adapted scissors to help cut the paper! I am honored to help more kids get access to adaptive play and happy to share my art with you all! Happy Holidays! Love, Silas

"Super Spiro enjoys going to his Vision School. His favorite activities in school are storytime, music class and art class. He works hard during therapies and enjoys playing with his switches at school, too. This upcoming Christmas week Spiro will be having a big hip surgery. Wish him luck! We hope to get him back into his Trexo and medical bike once he recovers! His newest obsession is Super Mario and Sonic."
-Spiro's Family
-Spiro's Family

"Stella loves Cocomelon and her cat Kit-Kat. She loves being around friends and family and has the best laugh. Stella had a brain injury at birth called HIE which also resulted in cerebral palsy. Stella was born two days after Christmas, so we always have a lot to celebrate."
-Stella’s Family
-Stella’s Family
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